
MarTech procurement intentions have made a massive swing to embracing new GenAI tools, applications and analytics. Almost 60% of marketing leaders view this area of investment as offering the most value and ROI.

Most B2B marketers say they should be driving the customer-acquisition machine, yet 62% say their lead gen and engagement strategy underperforms! Millions of dollars are being wasted on misguided “spray and pray” campaigns. 


Much is riding on your media marketing and advertising strategy, from sales and brand lift to ROAS and reach. Here are challenges to overcome and capabilities to improve.

CMO Council research conducted in 2022, in partnership with SAS created an extensive study to understand where CX gaps and opportunities lie. We looked at CX from various perspectives and compared mature CX capabilities between top and bottom performers.

CMO Council research conducted in 2022, in partnership with BrandMuscle, examines the relationship between national brands and their local partner channel networks, including effectiveness, challenges, opportunities, digital marketing tactics, etc

Having a good understanding of your organization’s Data DNA is pivotal to gaining a better return-on-insight. Here are essential data segments and sources to tap to improve the diagnostics and predictive health of your business.

Hundreds of major brands are taking action and are pulling out of Russia, while those few staying silent are drawing ire over social media. In a connected global economy, where consumers hold sway, we’ve never seen anything like this: global companies weaponizing commerce in retaliation for bombs and bullets.

Discover how to tackle ad-blocking

Ace the Trends for Successful Digital Marketing

Local-Mobile SEO is Essential, Not Optional

Take a Look Back at This Year's Digital Trends Going into Q3

Social Media Basics Before Getting into Social Selling

Taking ownership of customer experience

How telcos and brands can work together to create greater omni-channel experiences

Consumer perspectives on product ownership pain points

Digital ads can be extremely harmful or effective: what consumers love, and what they hate

How ready enterprises across industries are to embrace the Internet of Things

Evolving the omni-channel to advance customer experience 

Are CMOs living up to expectations in driving growth? 

Advancing B2B content to impact customer buying decisions

How brands are attracting customers by creating more robust, engaging experiences 

B2B content marketing strategies and how content is consumed

The state of digital marketing in Asia-Pacific

Factors inhibiting successful mobile strategies and best practices of mobile leaders 

Importance of fully integrated martech strategies and the gaps that must be overcome

Key challenges to achieving customer centricity

The state of marketing in 2014, benchmarking CMO progress

Role of content in B2B vendor selection and how content drives the purchase process

Benchmarking customer experience in Asia-Pacific

How marketers in APAC are optimizing the customer experience