Authentication Frustration     $50 US*
How Companies Lose Customers in The Digital Age

One of the fastest ways to lose customers and revenue in the digital age is a painful and convoluted identity verification process. More than 6 out of 10 consumers report exiting online transactions due to problems verifying identity. Over 8 in 10 say they prefer to do business with companies and brands that make identity confirmation simple and safe with biometrics. This new report explores the ...

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Customer Value Creation From Live Data Interpretation     $50 US*
Using Real-Time Insights to Understand the Digital Life of Telco Subscribers, Fulfill Unmet Needs, and Realize Revenue Growth Opportunities

The CMO Council has undertaken numerous studies that reveal the majority of CMOs are more focused on pre-sales cultivation, conversion and customer acquisition, rather than realizing a better return from existing relationships that can be more effectively monetized, scaled, and strengthened to reduce churn, defection and detraction.  This research defines a model and roadmap for how chief ma...

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Critical Channels of Choice     $50 US*
Meeting the Customer Expectation for Omnichannel Relationships

Omnichannel IS the critical channel of choice. No matter what the generation, from Gen X all the way to the Silent Generation, consumers want a blend of both digital and physical channel experiences. Yet only 13 percent of consumers believe that brands are fully meeting this expectation and delivering across both physical and digital channels.  This report, produced in partnership with Pitne...

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Data Protection, Privacy and Regulations     $50 US*
An Exclusive Authority Leadership Briefing for Premium Members & Subscribers

This is the first of what will be quarterly briefings from the CMO Council team, available exclusively for our premium members and library subscribers. As May marked the one-year anniversary of GDPR, this first exclusive cut investigates the impacts and ramifications of this regulatory event. Diving into such areas as the cost of compliance – or non-compliance, for those companies that felt...

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Doing More With Data     $50 US*
Discovering Data-Accelerated Revenue Traction

Charged with the mandate of elevating customer experience, marketers increasingly look to data to better engage with customers and identify new opportunities. Yet previous CMO Council research highlights that marketers admit their organizations could do more to transform the data supply chain to allow them to do more with internal data assets. To ignite real change, data needs to move beyond the ...

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Report Cover for Brand Protection From Digital Content Infection

Brand Protection From Digital Content Infection     $50 US*
Safeguarding Brand Reputation Through Diligent Ad Channel Selection

While programmatic ad spend continues to increase exponentially year over year, the risk of digital display ads appearing next to offensive or objectionable content is becoming a top concern for marketers. In fact, this study—conducted in partnership with Dow Jones—reveals that 72 percent of marketers are concerned about brand integrity and control when it comes to their programma...

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Empowering the Data-Driven Customer Strategy     $50 US*
Addressing Customer Engagement From the Foundation Up

This report explores the findings of a survey of more than 250 global marketers and reveals that while marketers seem to agree that the CMO should be the driver of a data-driven customer strategy (78 percent), there is a clear gap when it comes to effective execution of that strategy as only 7 percent say they are able to deliver real-time, data-driven engagements across physical and digital touch...

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Integrate to Accelerate Digital Marketing Value     $50 US*
Driving Digital Marketing Performance With the Right Platforms, People and Processes

Most corporate management teams are fully supportive of digital marketing investments, with 20 percent of marketers stating they have a mandate and budget to execute, 42 percent saying they have strong interest and active support at a LOB level, and 18 percent noting it is an agenda item they have to address with their CEO, CIO, and CFO. Integration and alignment are the key challenges facing mar...

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Comply on the Fly     $50 US*
Keeping Pace with the Challenges of Mobile Data Management

The collective findings of Comply on the Fly point to a nascent but increasingly pervasive imperative for ensuring corporate accountability and fiscal integrity. As company growth and competitive pressures accelerate adoption and use of mobile devices by the workforce, the chance of deploying such devices without proper guidelines, policies, processes and procedures, leading to a lack of adequate ...

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Secure the Trust of Your Brand     $50 US*
Assessing the Security Mindset of Consumers

There has been little research into how broadly such incidences are eroding consumers’ trust in brands. This is the impetus for Secure the Trust of Your Brand™, a major thought leadership initiative fielded by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council. This comprehensive research effort is designed to better understand the degree to which information security, business continuity, and ...

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Accelerate How You Differentiate     $50 US*
An Alert Enterprise Audit

Is your company an alert enterprise? The ability to quickly identify and respond to market and operational risks and opportunities is a major competitive advantage, and one in which information technology is playing an increasingly important role. The need for companies to become Alert Enterprises is forcing management to take a serious look at internal structures, cultures and capabilities. This ...

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